Authors |
Kim El'vira Shakhretdinovna, Postgraduate student, Volgograd Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (8 Gagarina street, Volgograd, Russia), E-mail:
Kuzevanova Angelina Leonidovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of the sub-department of philosophy and sociology, Volgograd Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (8 Gagarina street, Volgograd, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The transition of the Russian economy into the system of market relations defines new conditions for social management and forms a new look at managerial culture. In the business environment, the amount of profit is no longer a criterion for the success of an organization. At the forefront are issues of establishing trusting relationships with the external environment of a business organization, shaping a social image, as well as improving relations with state and public institutions. In such conditions, modern managers of commercial organizations are carriers of new socio-economic relations that affect the efficiency of functioning of all spheres of society. The problem of considering the managers of business organizations as a social and professional group with a specific and stable value system, which by their actions are able to influence various processes occurring in society, is relevant. The purpose of the work is to study the structure of value orientations of young managers of commercial organizations in Volgograd in comparison with the value ideas of their older colleagues, in the context of management activities.
Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, from July to October 2018, the author conducted a sociological study in the form of a questionnaire survey among the managers of business organizations in Volgograd. Methodological potential includes methods of systemic and comparative analysis, determination.
Results. A comparative analysis of the results of an empirical study of the value orientations of the management activities of the respondents of two age groups – young managers and older managers. The similarities and differences in the value hierarchies of the representatives of these groups are shown both as a whole for the samples, and depending on the size of the commercial organization and the level of exercise of official powers.
Conclusions. Analysis of the research results revealed significant differences in the hierarchical structure of the terminal and instrumental values of young managers of business organizations in Volgograd compared with older managers. These differences are most pronounced in terms of terminal values. The main differentiating factor in relation to instrumental values is the respondent’s belonging to one or another level of management and the size of the business.
Key words |
business organization, values, structure of value orientations, terminal values, instrumental values, management activity
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